R i c h a r d . H e a r d
R i c h a r d . H e a r d
Reveal Loader dynamically loads libReveal.dylib (Reveal.app support) into iOS apps on jailbroken devices.
A Cocoa / Objective-C library for interfacing with the iOS AddressBook.
LLDB debugserver for iOS with modified entitlements, allowing for debugging of any process.
Various Objective-C categories and additions that have served me well over the years.
A custom, CADisplayLink backed stepper, perfect for performing complex animations or firing delegate callbacks over a specified period of time.
A static library for iOS that allows for navigation inside a UIViewController by swiping left and right. It supports an arbitrary number of child view controllers as well as custom overlay views that...
A simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.
An NSStatusItem hosted view that supports handling both left and right click actions, menus and showing an image / alternateImage pair.
A BTLE display for your Xiaomi M365 Scooter, based on the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52832 SoC.