I'm getting the same problem as above. PowerShell just exits when downloading 80 files (around 105MB) from a linux server using `Get-SFTPItem`. PowerShell: 5.1.18362.752 Windows OS: Windows 10 1909 Posh-SSH...
I actually tried this cause I thought it might be what what causing it. Still the same result though unfortunately, silently exits.
Here what I get when running `Get-PoshSSHModVersion`: ``` WARNING: Could not retrieve the current version. InstalledVersion CurrentVersion ---------------- -------------- 2.2 ```
Unfortunately the result is the same in 2.3, crashes in the exact same spot :(
Yes I left the -NoProgress flag in, same result. There is no firewall in-between. Target host info: **Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-177-generic x86_64)** Thanks for your quick responses! Hope this...
Ahh thanks for this! I might just upgrade to a newer version of Linux if my server is able. If not I'll try the workaround, just not very familiar with...
Oh you're right! Sorry been a long day. I got this working for a single file, but not for a directory of files (which is why I originally used `Get-SFTPItem`...
This isn't an option for me unfortunately as the file names are always changing, I need to be able to get the whole directory via `Get-SFTPItem` I upgraded the remote...