Harman Deep Singh

Results 5 issues of Harman Deep Singh

Reproducible Example: ```python import xarray as xr import hvplot.xarray import geoviews as gv import geoviews.tile_sources as gvts data = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature') gvts.OSM * data.air.hvplot.quadmesh(x='lon', y='lat', global_extent=True, rasterize=True,) ``` produces empty map(it...

type: bug
tag: projection

The following example demonstrates the issue: ```python import geoviews as gv import geoviews.feature as gf from geoviews import opts from cartopy import crs gv.extension('bokeh') nyc, beijing = (-74.0, 40.7, 'NYC'),...

type: bug
tag: projection

For the project `Web based volume rendering and 3D/4D visualization of Model Forecast (NM389-ISRO)` of [Indian Space Research Organisation](https://www.isro.gov.in/) and as a part of [Smart India Hackathon 2020](https://www.sih.gov.in/), I along...

Time series extraction works fine, however upon specifying the `extract along` parameter in `initial_params` it produces constant straight line graph. For temporary basis, this problem could be solved by de-selecting...

It would be good to have a short, 10 minute video demonstration of the interface. The video can be uploaded on Youtube and linked in documentation. It will help the...

good first issue