Hi sovrasov , may I know that would pixel shuffle consume floating point operation? As I cannot find any equation or information is about the flops for pixel shuffle, I...
> I've reviewed the original paper that introduced PixelShuffle and agree that it's rather a memory rearrangement operator, so the current behavior is correct. Thanks for the clarifcation. Is that...
> Yep, memory rearrangement always consumes time, but it is out of scope for flops metric. I'd rather keep the straightforward flops definition to avoid misunderstanding. For such operations like...
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05158 Thanks.
> Multiply operations are in general an order of magnitude more expensive than additions. So, it might be very useful for people experimenting with hardware not having FMA instructions. Do...
> Sorry but you are "missing something"... > All we take is the LR images that were generated using random kernels from the HR images. > Both HR and kernel...
> Yes - the GT kernel is from the repo. > I am not familiar with DPED dataset - care to share the link? Thanks. For the input images in...
> Sorry I can't understand. What are you trying to do? Thanks. I want to use a dataset to estimate the kernels. Let say, I estimate a kernel A.mat from...
> yes, you can do that. > KernelGAN estimates the kernel that relates the input image to it's SR image. > So given an image + kernel (estimated by KernelGAN)...
Also, may I have the deeplabv3plus human seg based on mobilenetv2_0.25 model? Thanks