Herman C
Herman C
It'd be awesome for NS. Currently it only exists for cordova and if you use their Enterprise plan; even on the $200/month Business Plan it's not included. If they have...
It won't happen - at least not directly from Telerik. Understandably, they're trying to sell their platform. In fact the appmanager livesync is not even included in the $149/month/user package;...
@NathanaelA You do that, and I will give you 3 thumbs up, and give NS another try for sure. NS needs more community contributors like yourself to keep it moving...
@NathanaelA are you maintaining that live updater you created? When was the last update?
@NathanaelA please release asap, if possible. I've spent 2 months re-writing an app in React Native, and have code push, analytics, and other features easily integrated at no cost, for...
Did you try to play around with the JS? the left: 0 and left: -200 positioning. Alternatively look at https://github.com/viezel/NappDrawer and https://github.com/Tripvi/Ti.DrawerLayout, which is what I looked into. The only...