Hi, I need to load the NGC DenseNet121 pre-trained model into native TF. link to the model: https://ngc.nvidia.com/catalog/models/nvidia:med:clara_xray_classification_chest_amp Loading the checkpoints in the 'models' directory into densenet121 architecture with `model.load_weights('path')`...
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment:Tried both Windows10 and Linux Ubuntu18 - 版本号/Version:Paddle:2.6 PaddleOCR: 问题相关组件/Related components: - 运行指令/Command Code:python tools/infer_kie_token_ser.py -c configs/kie/vi_layoutxlm/ser_vi_layoutxlm_xfund_zh.yml -o...
### Prerequisite - [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmocr/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmocr/discussions) but cannot get the expected help. - [X] The bug has not been fixed in the [latest version (0.x)](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmocr) or...
Is the xdoc code and pre-trained model free for commercial use? I'm asking this question despite the licence mentioned in the xdoc directory's readme, because the finetuning code in the...
The paper says that a dropout layer with prob rate of 0.6 is implemented for all the fully connected layers in the network. Curious to know the reason why it...