Heinrich Braasch
Heinrich Braasch
Old "real" app is now also working after upgrading to .NET7.
In this case I'm using old fashioned navigation, not Shell.
Just to remind. NOT a shell issue... This has to do with a ContentPage navigating to a TabbedPage using Navigation.PushAsync, stuff that works perfectly on Android and iOS (although this...
Have the exact same problem. Could it be because there is no ARM version of the library? Any help shall be appreciated.
@Oceania2018, thanks for the suggestion. It appears as if libtensorflowlite.so is for Android and does not support netcoreapp3.1. I am looking for a TensorFlow.Net library that runs on Raspian, compiled...
What I really mean is I'm looking for a "tensorflow.dll" compiled for Raspian/ARM so that the dependency problem when running TensorFlow.NET gets resolved.
Thanks for developing this extension. It is great!!! I also now experience the VS crash, but it always happens when I try to select the target with Project->Raspberry Debug Settings,...
The problem only occurs with older projects. My workaround for this now is to create a new console project, select the device, and test. If it works, I add the...
Thanks for looking into this. Much appreciated. I'm attaching a project that currently experiences this problem. [LoraPi.zip](https://github.com/nforgeio/RaspberryDebugger/files/6354408/LoraPi.zip) I'm also attaching a short video demonstrating the effect, for what its worth....
Hardcoding the device with its ip address does not help, in case you wonder.