Heinrich Braasch
Heinrich Braasch
Yes, its in there. Unfortunately. Must be a different problem. Have found a lot of regression problems with MAUI RC. Could be the issue resolves itself 😊 Regards.
Hi My sincere apologies! I forgot to add [.UseSkiaSharp(true)] in the repro project. It now works with the chart defined in XAML. However (as it started for me), I prefer...
I've now noticed that if I navigate to the code-behind page using [Shell], it renders. But if I navigate to it using my regular approach (which works if I replace...
Thanks for looking at this. I'll generate a repro project and raise it as a issue under MAUI and see how they react. Regards
Issue raised at MAUI: https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/7350
I've now discovered the chart does not display while running under the debugger. If running outside the debugger, all works fine. Any possibility there is a [if (Debugger.IsAttached)... somewhere inside...
Hope you find it. Its a great library!
Great, Thanks
Same problem here. After latest Preview VS update [17.4.0 Preview 2.1]. I always use "Link Framework SDKs Only" and it has the same problem. Thought it was because I've upgraded...
I now got the sample MAUI app to run under Preview VS update [17.4.0 Preview 2.1] and XCode 13.4.1 by selecting .NET7 as the framework!!! Now to start converting my...