
Results 9 comments of huangbinghe

> Opening it in Firefox gives > > ![bildo]( > > So I think that's the expected output the problem is the output pdf file has error! the svg image...

I suggest `createImages` change as below code: ``` private function createImages($output) { $image = array(); $valueStartIndex = null; $valueEndIndex = null; foreach ($output as $key => $singleLine) { if (preg_match('/\(format/',...

``` def humanized_tables( self,table_settings: Optional[T_table_settings] = None ) ->Optional[List[List[dict]]]: tset = TableSettings.resolve(table_settings) tables = self.find_tables(tset) if len(tables) == 0: return None def get_merged( rows:List[Row], row_start:int, col_start:int, ) -> Optional[T_bbox]: """Get...

> Hi @hbh112233abc, and thanks for your suggestion. This is a neat idea! I've been thinking about how to improve the representation of tables, and will consider this as one...

Hi @jsvine , I found new solution for get merged_cells, and it is better and precisely! 1st, we can get rows and cols coord mark like: ``` def table_row_col_mark(table: pdfplumber.table.Table)...

environment: win10 64bit python3.6 32bit fire 0.3.1 linux centos8 not found this problem!

> Hi could it be due to this nginx proxy setting? > > > > Try setting proxy_cache_convert_head to off. it's OK, setting `proxy_cache_convert_head to off` HEAD request is...

> check_merged `row_col_mark` contain all cell of the table, if `cell[3] > rows_y[-1]` or `cell[2] > cols_x[-1]` I think it no in the table, and then get it's index will...

> @hbh112233abc, i don't think so, because you only add top, left coordinates of cell into `row_col_mark` then when a merged cell contain the last cell in row or the...