I can confirm the exact same message as the above people using 0.10.12. This was not happening in previous versions. This is also failing on the PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame.OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution call above. The...
Just as something else I have seen with this issue, it seems like it is affecting logging into the Google Play Games account on the device that it affects. Here...
Hey @MoodyMuffin , Thanks for the heads up on a way to fix this issue. I have used the code that you have provided, but I don't seem to be...
Thanks, After double checking, the java file does indeed get exported to the app/src/main/java/com/... directory when I build a gradle project, and I have defined the package name to be...
@rlabrecque @TwoPoint-AndyChappell - Just did a test on the new Steamworks.Net 20.2.0 (1.57 Steamworks SDK) using the [Steamworks.Net-Test](https://github.com/rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET-Test) Project and I am seeing the same issues when running on this...
> Places where you need to remove old Steamworks.NET before installing the new version: Assets/Editor/Steamworks.NET/ Assets/Plugins/Steamworks.NET/ Assets/Plugins/steam_api.bundle/ Assets/Plugins/x86/libsteam_api.so Assets/Plugins/x86/steam_api.dll Assets/Plugins/x86_64/libsteam_api.so Assets/Plugins/x86_64/steam_api64.dll > > After the deletion of all these folders...
Just as a heads up, after opening a support ticket with Steam, it seems like Steamworks SDK 1.57 will only work on Proton version 8.0 and higher, and does not...
Sounds like the same issue I was seeing on [Linux on the Steam Deck](https://github.com/rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET/issues/557), from my testing, it only seems to happen on the 1.57 SDK and on non-Windows machines.