Danila Ulyanov
Danila Ulyanov
@ocornut Yes, that's correct :) Actually I have implemented solution with context menu a while ago, but possibility to copy only part of the text would be nice. I was...
@nico-abram It is right in ImGui demo window. Look at `if (ImGui::TreeNode("Context menus"))` section. Just replace logic inside menu to something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1264137/how-to-copy-string-to-clipboard-in-c or other platform-dependent implementation.
> * let the user decide how long to sleep in such "no-swap frames" (but this might be counterproductive on e.g. the browser platform where the whole page might become...
A bit more context, solution is actually from here: https://github.com/google/filament/blob/main/libs/filamentapp/src/NativeWindowHelperCocoa.mm