shopify-webpack-themekit copied to clipboard
Most of the functionalities are broken
I downloaded the theme and noticed that the deploy command is broken there are folders that does not exist on the repo:
const chalk = require('chalk');
const {deploy, replace} = require('../../src/server/sync');
const promptContinueIfPublishedTheme = require('../../src/server/prompts/continue-if-published-theme');
const Environment = require('../../src/utilities/enviroment');
All those path are broken, also the hot reload is broken, the theme never uploads to shopify and most of the functionalities described on packer
are not working on this repo. I spent all day trying to fix the bugs it has but discovered it was a waste of time, the project is useless on this conditions.
Having same issues. May have to setup a simpler implementation of web pack myself.
For anyone else who is looking at this I created a shopify-bare-theme that has build features. It uses rollup to bundle the js, uses sass and allows for sass imports, purges unused css, and has easy commands for working with themekit. Using rollup vs webpack has a lot less overhead in production.