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Shopify development tool using webpack and themekit
Shopify ThemeKit - Webpack
Development tool for Shopify using webpack and themekit.
Check out the node package version: Shopify Packer
- Requirements
- Getting Started
- Theme files
- Commands
- Ready to use blank starter theme
- Webpack 4
- Stylelint
- ESLint
- Babel
- Middleware for Shopify preview
- Webpack dev server for assets
- BrowserSync
- Chunks for templates and layouts
- Create config.js (see example.config.js)
Getting Started
Install dependencies -
npm install
Start webpack compiler -
npm run start
npm run deploy
Theme files
Webpack will create the following snippets that load all style and script chunks. You need to include this in your theme.liquid file.
{% include 'script-tags' %}
{% include 'style-tags' %}
Creating chunks
The system will check for any script or style sheet that matches Shopify template and layout files.
filename: scripts/templates/product.js
creates file: assets/template.product.js
script-tags snippet (auto generated) will only load this script on pages that use product template
{%- if template == 'product' -%}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ 'template.product.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
{%- else -%}
<link rel="prefetch" href="{{ 'template.product.js' | asset_url }}" as="script">
{%- endif -%}
Start - Watches files for changes and deploys changes to Shopify. Also builds and deploys all theme files to Shopify before starting
npm run start
Watch - Watches files for changes and deploys changes to Shopify. Skips first deployment.
npm run watch
Build - Builds js/scss in production mode
npm run build
Deploy - Deploys the contents of dist folder
npm run deploy
Test - Runs all tests and code linters
npm run test
Lint CSS - Checks scss for errors and best practices.
npm run lint:css
Lint JS - Checks js for errors and best practices.
npm run lint:js
Fix CSS - Checks scss for errors and best practices. Automatically fixes simple errors like line endings
npm run fix:css
Fix jS - Checks js for errors and best practices. Automatically fixes simple errors.
npm run fix:js
This project uses stylelint and eslint for checking css and js.