@balazsorban44 A lot of data accumulates with just a simple warning string. Our site is around 150 req/s, so 540,000 logs are printed in an hour. Our system is storing...
I think the accumulation of production mode warnings can be potentially dangerous, but if the PR is rejected, I'll increase the `largePageDataBytes` value as @ijjk mentions. Thanks!
@balazsorban44 @ijjk I understand that the Large Page Data warning is important. In production mode, excessive logs can cause problems with the system, so I fixed it to be exposed...
I made a simple version by forking uxitten's codepen work. https://codepen.io/haydnhkim/pen/XVmxLd I removed the prefix (use autoprefixer) and added mui css to an external style sheet so that only ripple...
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