Hayden Roche
Hayden Roche
> I am quite happy to have wolfSSL support, but if it's gonna remain functional, then it needs to be in the CI system. Can you add some lines to...
> Just FYI, this is magic github stuff, such that, when this PR is merged, it would close that issue. You didn't need to close it yourself. Good to know!
@mcr I've added logic to build_matrix.sh and build.sh to run builds with wolfSSL as the crypto provider. Since the `--enable-tcpdump` option for wolfSSL is quite new, it's not in an...
Will look into the build failures. At first glance, it looks like some are failing due to not having `libtool` installed.
Hi @infrastation. Thanks for the feedback. > Regarding the build failures, it might be easier to identify the additional dependencies on Linux first by taking a minimal Ubuntu 20.04 VM...
Had to disable the same things as @douzzer. But, I was able to get some benchmarking results on my Raspberry Pi: ``` pi@raspberrypi:~/wolfssl $ lscpu; cat before_sha256.txt; cat after_sha256.txt; cat...
Tested with `./configure --host=armv7a --enable-armasm` on Raspberry Pi. No build errors, now, but testwolfcrypt is failing: ``` pi@raspberrypi:~/wolfssl $ ./wolfcrypt/test/testwolfcrypt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wolfSSL version 5.5.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ error test passed! MEMORY test...
> When you have time, run it again so I can determine which test case is actually failing. Everything passed with the latest changes. :) > By the way, which...
> > Which version of the Raspberry Pi is it? v4 from the specs > > yeah `vfpv4` signifies RPi4 Indeed. RPi 4 Model B.
Hi @BrianAker, thanks for pointing this out. I'll fix this at some point in the near future.