Hayata Suenaga

Results 28 comments of Hayata Suenaga

I've developed a custom hook to play audio files. This hook is designed to unload the audio after each play. Despite this, I frequently encounter the `AVFoundationErrorDomain` error. Are there...

@gitmarkuz Thank you for your response 🙇. I've added a counter inside my custom `useAudio` hook to confirm that I have no issues with the number of loaded resources. I've...

Hello 👋 Is the team still planning to migrate to V7?

is the work being done in [this PR](https://github.com/Expensify/App/pull/41103) going to fix this issue?

is this still being worked on?

What if we create a parent component that fills the entire screen with its position set to `relative`, and then make the target component a child of this parent component,...

Can I close my issue [Unable to navigate away from Profile page using the back button](https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/35753) (which is already linked on the OP) as the issue will be fixed in...

> Hey @hayata-suenaga - should this be External for contributors to work on or are we keeping this Internal? I'll keep this external for now. Thank you for reminding me...

@hurali97 I changed the issue description of [the original post](https://github.com/Expensify/App/issues/35704#issue-2115614414) of this issue to include another related issue reported about the App becoming unresponsive. Please check the issue description again...