Musthaq Ahamad
Musthaq Ahamad
Might have to switch to node version 14 and try again?
@michelson You can achieve this directly from the streaming application right? Record the sessions? Or are you mentioning something else?
@mattmaniego there are no available APIs to do this, so unfortunately untill these APIs are available we won't be able to launch this. Hope we can get those APIs anytime...
@RYNEQ Currently the app doesn't support having other join your stream, if you really want to others to join your stream outside instagram you can do so through zoom, hangouts...
@Phiziks, unfortunately there is no way to automatically scale the video output to fit the width in Instagram. Without a middle man (OBS, something else or a built in video...
Releasing Pin/UnPin live comments in v0.1.7-beta #30
@adiagr That'd be awesome but this might require the app to have it's own streaming listener/server to intercept, scale and then stream to Instagram. Currently Streamon doesn't stream anything, it...
Hey @leolobato there has been a couple of changes in Instagram apis which prevents/stopped from adding lives to your stories. Now instagram automatically adds the live streams to live archive,...
Would love to know about the distributions you are looking to run the app in. If it's feasible then we can release a setup for that. If you want to...
Hey @BloodLancet, thanks for opening the issue. We will look into fixing this soon 🙂