
Results 10 issues of haxibami

# Bug report ## Description / Observed Behavior All heading elements (``, ``...) have the same font size. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57034105/197373498-95d6412d-8800-4a47-9be7-685495078ed6.png) ## Expected Behavior Heading elements should follow the standard style (preset...

On other competing terminals (e.g. `alacritty`, `foot`), colors mapped to `ESC[38;5;⟨n⟩m, n in {0..15}` (= `0`-`15` in 8-bit, 256 colors) are the same as `ESC[⟨n⟩m, n in {30..37, 90..97}` (=...


### OS native color mode (Light / Dark) See [tauri doc](https://tauri.app/v1/api/config/#theme): ~~Currently only supported on Win / Mac.~~ Now Linux is also supported. See #86 ### Custom color mode (or...

see: https://techblog.paild.co.jp/entry/2023/04/10/170218

### What current code for - state handling - initialization - text load & save - etc. are: **spaghetti**. 🍝 ### TODO - [ ] use more home-made hooks for...

webkitgtk (and webkit on MacOS?) randomly shows strange behavior while rendering texts. - characters suddenly disappear, or re-appear - previous text remains like afterimage while typing note: webkitgtk v2.36.7 fixed...

While Windows, MacOS, and Linux (x11) support application-wide keybinding through `globalShortcut` tauri api, Linux (Wayland) does not (see [related issue](https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/3578)). So instead, we currently use Lexical [command utilities](https://lexical.dev/docs/concepts/commands) to provide...

When theme is switched after application launch, the color of button-like decoration in `` does not switch correctly. Reloading, or re-checking `opacity: 0.3` in developer tool finally triggers switch. maybe:...