Is this planned? In jf-web you hold an item for a second, then you can select multiple items and choose to group the versions. One may decide to require doing...
**Describe the bug** Making this on behalf of people that are going to have this problem and already have. E.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/jellyfin/comments/ko1s7r/jellyfin_1070_release_candidate_2_incoming_now/ghphrf6/ The problem is that the LocalAddress field is not...
**Describe the bug** I think the cast receiver api is very resource heavy when doing HLS streams. On the gen2 and gen3 I have had 10Mbit/s streams stall out and...
**Describe the bug** CC gen1 is likely to fail on high bitrate files even if they're within spec, it's a weak device **steps** 1. get cc gen1 2. play high...
EDIT: I'm hijacking this issue to continue with this problem **Describe the bug** When chromecast gen2 is set to stereo only / auto mode with 2ch screen, it's still detected...