I suppose we could do like this in codecSupportHelper.ts ```typescript export function hasEAC3Support(): boolean { return castContext.canDisplayType("audio/mp4", "ec-3"); } export function hasAC3Support(): boolean { return castContext.canDisplayType("audio/mp4", "ac-3"); } ``` Then...
It changed its output according to my chromecast settings, so in stereo mode it returned false. In AC-3 mode I still can't figure out why it fails... AC-3 is checked...
So assuming the chromecast behaved properly, I think this method works perfectly well. However, newer chromecast models seems to accept aac 6ch, by sending PCM 6ch over HDMI. I guess...
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34468980/hls-streams-with-ac3-audio-not-working-on-chromecast * https://github.com/googlecast/CastReceiver/issues/7 I'm starting to worry if one would have to ditch HLS to get AC-3 working :(
I've posted this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65152677/ac-3-and-e-ac-3-passthrough-with-hls Linking here for reference
https://support.google.com/chromecast/thread/362511?hl=en It also seems like chromecast across the board will become sad with 6 ch aac.
Great suggestion from @cvium is that the google API only returns 411 two places so we can try to debug inside of the javascript api to figure out what it's...
I have reported it upstream at: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/174837344 See the issue for example code and detailed problem description
Do you use chromecast with a LAN-only domain name?