Haowen Chen

Results 15 comments of Haowen Chen

youtube 上有一个叫 slow easy English的系列,一个日本英语教师做的特别好,可以看一看

这个想法好棒,有更新嘛? 我觉得结构化数据是基础,只要有了相对统一的数据接口,前端能做的很多 数据要不要独立存放我觉得是另一回事,完全可以提供一个方法单独导出数据,但是把数据合并到 html 里就像 owner 说的对普通用户更友好一点 而且我估计卡顿更多是渲染过多 dom 导致的,io 影响有限,如果一次读取到内存里前端分页其实跟合并数据到 html 里没有什么特别大的区别。dom 里长列表的优化方法还是有不少的

@sathishu37 Try this, it works for me. ` "react-native-zss-rich-text-editor": "github:charpeni/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor.git#fix-selection-focus",`

I think we can support both? But we'd better keep JSON, for many front-end engineers, they're more familiar with JSON and maybe have no idea what yml is.

I think you can try to show the toast in the middle of the screen. In fact, I have already done this.

> The workaround is to use the plugin and not CLI I knew that. But sometimes I need to compare the dependency graph between branches. It takes time to switch...

Sure. I just override Satchel's dependencies. Seems to be better to update it in pacakage.json officially