Håvard Lundberg
Håvard Lundberg
Follow up. Inserting a single point works fine: ``` sparql prefix virtrdf: prefix geo: INSERT { geo:geometry "POINT(59.4312 8.06013)"^^virtrdf:Geometry . } ```
I will try to set up a Linux version, currently I'm only working with points and I've come across another issue. Following the [Geo Spatial tutorial](http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/tutorials/sparql/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_11/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_11.html), I'm trying to find...
Follow up on this @HughWilliams: I installed the `develop/7`, version: `07.20.3212`, build: `Mar 12 2015` on Ubuntu 14.04 and now the queries for a Point geometry within a polygon is...
@HughWilliams : Thanks for looking into it. In the meantime, I was able to insert coordinates using the corresponding WGS84 geo spatial reference system. However, trying to query for a...
> PS: I'm using your package in vue.js, which works quite well. No fancy binding, inside a component after mount I just create an instance of `ForceGraph` and define a...
Hi, is there any news on when this PR will be implemented?
Will this be implemented in the master any time soon?
@kihapper bump. Is it possible to do what @jtisaacs is describing above?