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Hav Noms
- [ ] KOVAN ENV - [ ] Deploy StakingRewards for iETH as staking token and SNX as rewards (simplest one) - [ ] Deploy Uniswap V2 sXAU/USDC [UNI-V2 TESTNETS](https://uniswap.org/docs/v2/smart-contracts/factory/#address)...
- We're now using an experimental feature for returning structs with the BinaryOptionsMarketData. This was to avoid stack to deep errors. - This feature would be useful inside the exchanger...
Staking SNX is a fairly complicated process with numerous strategies to optimise yield and reduce risk. There are a number of community members who have put significant effort into optimising...
We've merged K06As PR for optimize new Synth transfers but needed to manage the code for the existing MAINNET synths as the code will differ from mainnet to master. We...
Right now ownership transfers is a 2 step process 1. nominateNewOwner 2. acceptOwnership Proposing to add not replace the functionality for `transferOwnership(address _newOwner)` which without nomination or acceptance will transfer...
The only Synthetix contract that holds ETH is EtherColalteral. So none of them need selfDestructBeneficiary. EtherColalteral does not implement SelfDestructible to give peace of mind to ETH depositors that the...
This used to be `address messageSender;` but was updated to `address public messageSender;` The impact is now messageSender is shown on etherscan showing the last called on the contract. It...
Internal contracts to Synthetix should implement auto settlement. https://dashboard.tenderly.co/synthetix/mainnet/tx/main/0x6029ab942caf8ec1619539a78d41a26e91879210419801eb4a7c2ad30abddcbb?utm_campaign=alert_notification&utm_content=transaction_url&utm_medium=slack&utm_source=alert_notification The impact would be the amount deposited wont be as accepted so we need to show the user there is a...
### TITLE description ### User Stories ### Implementation ### Deliverables - Smart Contracts / DApp - Working environment on TESTNET (contact us for TESTNET SNX) - Unit tests using truffle...