
Results 383 comments of Shantanu

First and foremost, I think you're doing great! And in case I mismanaged my words, I'm sorry if anything I said came off sounding too critical — most of why...

We recommend disabling E701 (and generally most formatting-related lint rules — let Black worry about and fix that for you)

That is only valid syntax on Python 3.12 or newer, support for that is tracked at

Yeah, this is a little tricky. So there are two things at play: 1) why is compute_1 different from compute_2, 2) why the type error The difference between compute_1 and...

Note uv currently appears to work if you make `.venv` file a symlink to your actual venv If you don't have symlinks on your platform, this patch of uv may...

None of this is blocking, but here's some recent issues it might be nice to have fixes for: - - - - - Here are...

Interesting, `mypy_primer -p ~/dev/mypy_primer/ --bisect --new v0.981 --old v0.971 --debug` bisects this to

Looks like it's from, cc @sobolevn

Yeah, it's pretty strange, but it's true. Fixes itself on master if you add `__hash__` back to float. These dunders...

At a minimum it should have its own error code, so you can do `--disable-error-code string-unpacking`. Maybe the thing that should have a special case error is multi-assignment to a...