
Results 33 comments of hauf-toni

Updated Design can be found [📍 here](https://www.figma.com/file/6U7R7Xj4wL7sbjxKRmOG9D/CMS-Project?type=design&node-id=1013%3A646&mode=design&t=CoWs1wUEUXzZiKM4-1) @osmers @dkehne

> @hauf-toni could you let us know once the comments/changes are done and the CMS team can start with the issue? :) You can start the issue, the design is...

as discussed with Martin, it might be useful to re-evaluate the visibility of the feedback function. possible solutions could be to explicitly point out the function in the intro slides...

> Design Requirements > @hauf-toni > User-Story: I, as user of the Integreat App, would like to see if a POI is multilingual or not you can find my suggestion...

@steffenkleinle i would suggest that the cms team evaluates the design proposal first and pulls you or someone from the former app team in as soon as the design is...

Design proposal can be found [here](https://www.figma.com/file/6U7R7Xj4wL7sbjxKRmOG9D/CMS-Project?type=design&node-id=533%3A3496&mode=design&t=xt42vNdJYnXeP8bG-1). @MizukiTemma @osmers feel free to leave feedback & possible questions via figma comment. we can also discuss the design proposal in the upcoming service...

**perhaps there is a need for discussion here:** should the "page access statistics" page appear in the sidebar as a single item under "analysis" (same emphasis as e.g. "feedback" or...

an updated design proposal can be found [📌 here ](https://www.figma.com/file/6U7R7Xj4wL7sbjxKRmOG9D/CMS-Project?type=design&node-id=1179%3A830&mode=design&t=p8MwGOM3G2VvWLTK-1)

I have added colors for WebApp Access and Offline Access to the original [🎨 figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/6U7R7Xj4wL7sbjxKRmOG9D/CMS-Project?type=design&node-id=1044%3A5&mode=design&t=staWKWo5RzoSbsBt-1). Thanks for being so patient!

> > I have added colors for WebApp Access and Offline Access to the original [🎨 figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/6U7R7Xj4wL7sbjxKRmOG9D/CMS-Project?type=design&node-id=1044%3A5&mode=design&t=staWKWo5RzoSbsBt-1). Thanks for being so patient! > > @MizukiTemma hmm do we also...