
Results 44 issues of Ulices

Motor models.

## The Motivation Some applications may benefit more aesthetically from certain effects. For example: * terminals (tilix, guake, alacritty ...) can look better with `Matrix` effect. * media players (mpv,...

feature request

## The Motivation Black holes are cool. ## The Solution In the middle of the window (maybe in a random point) create a black circle then the nearest parts of...

contributions welcome
new effect

While creating the BOM for the assemblies I notice that only the Parts that are directly attached to the main `Assembly Part` appear in the BOM but ignores Parts inside...

An awesome collection of themes for self-hosted apps. [The main website](https://theme-park.dev/) have a button that says CLICK ME! and kind of function as a demo. Is active, has excellent instructions....

reviewers wanted

Currently in the string description for unit system "degree" (unit name) appears instead of "°" (symbol). In the same entries appear "mm", "kg", "s" opposed to "millimeter", "kilogram", "second". So...


In cli apps as Vim/Neovim is very common to have the pipe `|` as part of some shortcut to divide vertically the window. In the same way that is very...

Alacritty updated its config file from `.yml` to `.toml`

## Description Yet another glorified Arch Linux based distro. more info at: https://codeberg.org/LainOS/ ## Features - New logo available ![screenshot1695582778](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/assets/53124818/f48985d1-d45a-406d-a9fb-211fbc53c3ce)

#### 🗹 Requirements - [X] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues) for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful - [X] I have searched the [FAQ](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting) for help - [X]...

✨ enhancement