Hasan Balcı

Results 35 comments of Hasan Balcı

Hi @sashokbg, I think that this feature (even though not exactly) may be achieved by using the current API. Expand-collapse has the following API function: `api.getParent(nodeId)` Get the parent of...

@bensonnw Thanks for your suggestion, we will evaluate it before the next release.

@abulka I created a demo that uses `cytoscape.js-node-editing` together with `cytoscape.js-expand-collapse` [here](https://jsbin.com/vizawahoku/edit?html,output). It seems working, what do you mean with "breaks the ability to resize nodes"?

@abulka It's related with the `zIndex` options of the extensions. Both expand-collapse and node-editing extension add a new canvas to draw expand/collapse cue or resize grapples and z-index values of...

The layout is working in headless mode if styleEnabled option is also set to true. I think this is because the algorithm considers the node sizes during layout.

@zakjan did you set the styleEnabled option to true?

@rmant I cannot reproduce it in the [demo](https://raw.githack.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js-cose-bilkent/master/demo.html). Can you provide a JSFiddle or JSBin demo to reproduce this issue? Thanks.

"Collapse/expand edges" feature was added later. It seems that its interaction with the "collapse/expand nodes" feature wasn't considered comprehensively during addition of this new feature. Therefore, these side-effects/bugs are possible....

The bug is also valid for collapseRecursively function. If there are two nested compound nodes and the one inside the other is collapsed, then if we either call collapseAll function...

The bug may be fixed by providing an option to the expandRecursively and collapseRecursively functions to control the level that the recursion will continue or the nodes that will be...