Results 31 issues of Hasan Yousef

How can I use this module to capture photo/video, I read but could not understand how to proceed. Thanks

Hi There. Any update about the status of `pdf` files reading?

Is gobot working with the new raspberry pi pico controller, different in the setup required from running raspberry pi with gobot, or every thing is the same as both having...


I want to make motion detection app, in this it is reading the streams, and compare them together, if the 2 streams after each other are different then there is...

Upon running ```shell cargo test --manifest-path exonum/Cargo.toml ``` I got the below errors: ```bash test sandbox::consensus::block_request::transactions_request_to_multiple_nodes ... ignored test sandbox::consensus::transactions::incorrect_tx_in_request ... ignored test storage::tests::rocksdb_tests::test_multiple_patch ... ignored failures: events::tests::test_network_big_message events::tests::test_network_handshake events::tests::test_network_max_message_len...

I installed gocv at Windows 10 WSL, using Ubuntu. installation completed successfully, but once I tried to cross compile for Windows, I got the below : ```bash # /home/hajsf/Go/src/


Hi, I want to cross my so so it can be used at mobile, let's say Android, is there any other for I need to get into the Android device,...

I'm at Windows 11, and have the below: 1. app.ico 2. app.exe.manifest ```xml Contoso Example Application True s ``` 3. release.bat ```bat rsrc -manifest app.exe.manifest -ico=app.ico -o rsrc.syso go build...

Hi, is there a way to draw directly on the screen/monitor instead of saving the drawing at file?

I tried your example at Mac, and it is working perfectly, once I tried it at Android, through a library connected within my app through JNI, I got "Webpage not...
