Hassan H.
Hassan H.
> so i have a byte array readed from inputstream of a file. > how to encode to mp3 ? Did you find a solution? If yes please can I...
Hello 👋 I've ran into a similar problem myself After investigating a bit seems like the bug was introduced in this commit: [c3f935ff1cf9c69247d92e1e0b6016764f4bff8d](https://github.com/prestodb/presto-go-client/commit/c3f935ff1cf9c69247d92e1e0b6016764f4bff8d#diff-d263ebbbdec268da7c7a56a43b075f8b08e326708871fb0944537d8f094a1e2eL732-L738) I opened a PR hoping it might...
@flasker this is an amazing workaround!! thank you so much u saved my day :smile: