
Results 7 issues of harvey-git

Please provide the following information Madedit-Mod version (or branch): MadEdit-Mod 0.4.19 x86_x64 platform/architecture: Ubuntu/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 9.2.1 20191008 wxWidgets 3.1.3 please describe what symptom you see, what...

Please provide the following information Madedit-Mod version (or branch): MadEdit-Mod 0.4.19 x86_x64 platform/architecture: Ubuntu/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 9.2.1 20191008 wxWidgets 3.1.3 please describe what symptom you see, what...

**Please provide the following information** Madedit-Mod version (or branch): MadEdit-Mod 0.4.17 platform/architecture: Ubuntu/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 7.3.0 wxWidgets 3.0.4 build 13:27:40 Jul 20 2019 please describe what symptom...

Please provide the following information Madedit-Mod version (or branch): MadEdit-Mod platform/architecture: Ubuntu/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 7.3.0 wxWidgets 3.0.4 build 13:27:40 Jul 20 2019 please describe what symptom...


**Please provide the following information** Madedit-Mod version (or branch): platform/architecture: compiler and compiler version: 见下图 ![替换全部bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52305566/60750716-44110400-9fdf-11e9-8e7b-524d2c3232a2.png) 直接点替换,一次替换一个没有问题,当选择替换全部时,会随机出现出现上图这样的崩溃。 我暂时还没有测试出崩溃 的规律,然而我新建一个文档粘贴小部分内容然后替换没有见到崩溃,不知道是替换全部的数量过大还是madedit优化打开超大文件的特性导致的这个bug。 以下时崩溃时madedit自动新建的日志 [madedit-halt.log](https://github.com/LiMinggang/madedit-mod/files/3364373/madedit-halt.log)

error.log里面类似这样的 `failed to retrieve response for connectivity-check.ubuntu.com. > Post "": context canceled failed to retrieve response for discovery-v4.syncthing.net. > Post "": context deadline exceeded failed to retrieve response for www.blogger.com....

Array information: 480G SanDisk sata ssd x3 Each ssd has only one partition, which is aligned from 8mb-100% sectors; Then build raid5 to /dev/md0 in mdadm with sda1, sdb1, sdc1,...