` redirect: [{ from: '^(\\/[^\\?]*[^\\/])(\\?.*)?$', to: '$1/$2', }]` best solution
This is kinda crazy. I just spent hours thinking I was doing something dumb. So you push data to store from API and then you want to filter that data...
came here for this
I am in same boat. I would like to be able to do something like https://github.com/vercel/examples/blob/main/edge-middleware/cookies/middleware.ts
> I'm not sure just adding the options is enough, there's also work involved to create a specific image component I guess? Related to #241 you can leave that to...
Also all the solutions I have seen are for local images, not remote images.
> Next and Nuxt have supported image components, but from my understanding once enabled you could also just update your image srcs manually from eg /public/images/logo.png to /_vercel/image?url=/public/image/logo.png?w=320&q=80. A fancy...
> @hartwm @benmccann do you have working example hoisted anywhere (e.g. GitHub, Code sandbox etc. ). I wanted to see the configuration details. Thanks. https://github.com/hartwm/vercel-images-sveltekit https://vercel-images-sveltekit.vercel.app/