Hartmut Pfarr
Hartmut Pfarr
this is not a solution, but only a stopgap work-around with an custom encoder/decoder: ```scala implicit val encoder01: Encoder[Sichtbarkeit03.Value] = encode_allg01[Sichtbarkeit03.Value] implicit val decoder01: Decoder[Sichtbarkeit03.Value] = decode_allg02(Sichtbarkeit03) def encode_allg01[T Json.obj(...
same problem here with low-bandwidth network connection, too. even timeout parameter in log is displayed as 60, but the timeout breaks the `esy install` yet ~25 seconds after starting, message...
Is this really a "low-bandwidth-only" problem? Does Corona lead to temporary municpial internet bandwith _overuse_, and so this "sleeping dog" issue pops up out of a sudden?
I am not sure what helped me today to get around this annoying bug, but I think I've used `rm -rf _esy` and retried the mentioned. (I can't say if...
To reproduce I run a ocaml backend server with esy in one terminal, and start `esy` in another terminal, like this: ``` terminal one $ git clone https://github.com/yawaramin/fullstack-reason.git test12345 $...
Can confirm that installing libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev has fixed the problem.
I've encountered similar problems while producing PDFs containting pictures inside. ok: MyPaint (Linux) produced Jpg ok: MyPaint (Linux) produced Solid PNG Not ok: MyPaint (Linux) produced Transparent PNG Not ok:...
i've had the error message `position error, parent span does not contain child span`. In my case, there was no `` e.g. in the sourcecode. But there where `|` and...
I've encountered the error message after migration to Scala 3, when using indentation syntax: `indented definitions expected, ... found`. I could fix it by commenting out the `sbt-scala3-migrate` plugin in...
a cross compile works with Finagle and Scala 3, with the help of `... CrossVersion.for3Use2_13`. build.sbt: libraryDependencies += "com.twitter" %% "util-core" % "22.12.0" cross CrossVersion.for3Use2_13, libraryDependencies += "com.twitter" %% "finagle-http"...