Herbert Hart
Herbert Hart
yeah that's true I've got the same errors
👍 Need it too
@danhab99 I'm developing the function to record videos on top of this plugin. I'm almost done but Idk if I'm publishing it here for this plugin.
any updates on this?
check ou my fork, it saves the image in file system but it is really fast. I made some changes and added a background thread. check it out. https://github.com/HartHerbert/cordova-plugin-camera-preview.git
this is my take picture method on my page. in the Camera.takepicture method is the version with the filepath and outcommented the version with the base64 (old method from the...
Is there anybody with a plugin version where it is possible to record a video ?
This is not really allowed. See #214
Would love to see this get merged.