हर्ष • Harsh • ハラシャ
हर्ष • Harsh • ハラシャ
**I am unable to generate mock.generated files as `rake mock` command fails. The pod version is **4.1.0**. Please find the trace below.** Can anyone tell me what needs to be...
``` autocompleteTextBox?.registerAutoCompleteCellNib(UINib(nibName: "MyAutoCompleteTableViewCell", bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: "idMyAutoCompleteTableViewCell") // load the data for autocomplete func autoCompleteTextField(textField: MLPAutoCompleteTextField!, possibleCompletionsForString string: String!) -> [AnyObject]! { return people?.map{ $0.name } } func autoCompleteTextField(textField: MLPAutoCompleteTextField!,...
The list selector for ".ttf file" doesn't work. Also when adding a font file in skin.json it crashes while trying to open the project. It is unable to locate the...
When I tried to run an example or simply build. The code fails to compile with following output. happening for both `llm-chain-llama-sys` & `llm-chain-llama` `env LLAMA_SAVE_BINDINGS=true RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo build --release`...