It looks like @deisygysi's [website](https://deisygysi.github.io) is based on this theme, and it has dark mode implemented (link to [repo](https://github.com/deisygysi/deisygysi.github.io)). I don't have time to check it right now, but aiming...
What have you tried so far? Are you trying it for one blog or all blogs? What is your `YAML` and `_index.md` for `blog`?
It is challenging to know by just looking at these lines. Also, I wonder if the order in YAML matters. Can you share the Github repo or the folder (`/blog/`)?...
Please check if [this blog](https://codingnconcepts.com/hugo/nested-menu-hugo/) helps you implement it.
In your code, you're specifying background colour. Removing that part should fix it. ``` geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = "grey", lty = 2) + theme( panel.border =...
``` > xfun::numbers_to_words(1500780.95) ``` I had to search the grammar rules for this and the [common convention](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/62397/reading-out-decimal-numbers-in-english) is to pronounce it as one million, five hundred thousand, seven hundred eighty...
Can you clarify what's the role of validation dataset? I used to think that they're used to [compute validation metrics](https://microsoft.github.io//FLAML/docs/Use-Cases/Task-Oriented-AutoML/) during the model training process. Finally, when the process finds...
Hi, any plans to update this package? As on May 30, 2023, this can't be installed with Python 3.7+ and now we're in Python 3.11 era.
Any updates on this? Would love to see a version for Python 3.9+ as well.
The aforementioned issue has been reopened as `LightGBM` has issues with the PyArrow backend of new pandas.