Harsh Uttamchandani
Harsh Uttamchandani
So I found a few interesting things that might help with this issue. I am also able to replicate this issue on https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/ once in a while. To me, it...
@pikurasa The idea seemed interesting to me and I have made some progress. Here is a sample [music blocks project](https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1711710543303863&run=True) However, I am facing issues with synchronising multiple mice (for...
> Here is my remix of your project: https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1711749302847431&run=True This seems fun. The sounds add a flavour. Thanks for this. > What do you mean by reset the screen/background? Hide...
Thanks for the input. Implemented the same using back and erase media block. Now it looks smoother in terms of transitions. Here is the [music blocks project](https://musicblocks.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1711814501663741&run=True).