Harsh Sikhwal
Harsh Sikhwal
File: Resources\test\Issues\[Load Digraph] Node present as string is tokenized to different nodes\flowchart2.dot The node `{ rank = same; "past"; "SCCS"; "make"; "Bourne sh"; "yacc"; "cron"; }` is read as: ```...
If only node exist without attributes, print in same like. Example: `b -- { c e };` should not print as: ``` b -- subgraph { c; e; } ```...
Possibly preserve subgraph keyword. If not present, should not add to file. For example: Input: `b -- { c e };` The dot read should not have "subgraph" like: ```...
Files: Resources\test\[LoadDigraph] Colour attribute does not take multivalue\multi_color.dot Attributes with multiple values do not take all the present values: `graph { ethernet [ color = "green, brown, red, black", label...
File: Resources\test\graphviz\flowchart2.dot Add size attribute for graph
Support multitypes in attributes, for example, an attribute can have bool as well as string and currently we provide a single attribute.
File: Resources\test\renenyffenegger\simple_node_edge.dot
This will add all the optional characters and print the graphs in a well structured manner