Harshith Mohan

Results 39 comments of Harshith Mohan

I would prefer `T[]` since that is consistent across languages.

![image](https://github.com/ShokoAnime/Shoko-WebUI/assets/26010946/13e98e1b-5780-4340-aecc-e6d059396915) Things like this seem to still work

wait... This is not supposed to be closed. That's why it says "living document". We can add more rules to this same issue if required

@hidden4003 Check if we should extend this also. For more consistency [plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked](https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/configs/#stylistic-type-checked) -> More "styling" rules. eg., Prefer `Record` over `[key: T]: T`, prefer `??` over `||`, etc. Also includes...

I have figured out how to do it and some of it is done. I just need a property to save the preference of the user, whether to have it...

Whenever the queue refactor happens. Till then we do need to put different titles for different pages. Eg., When you are on the series page, we show series name in...

We'll have this once react 19 is released

There are some things left but the issue itself can be closed