Hallo Chris, ich bin nicht imstande die Frage zu beantworten, mir ging es genauso! Grüße .... 2015-05-07 19:47 GMT+02:00 Chris L [email protected]: > I am sorry to ask this dumb...
Hallo ich kann Ihnen NICHT helfen, bin LINUX NEULING! 2015-07-05 21:39 GMT+02:00 patelkp [email protected]: > @robfry https://github.com/robfry, could you include a sample db file > (data\fido.db) even if the installer...
Hallo Sir, ich bin kein Entwickler oder Ähnliches, ich habe auch nur Fragen gestellt. Show,Adios....good bye!! 2015-09-15 11:08 GMT+02:00 Konrad Mrożek [email protected]: > I see that nothing has changed in...
Hallo robfry, i thank you for your answer, with the option to help me, but i am not able to use. Sorry! Many thanks