I'm having some trouble with a VSCode extension that executes a ruby command: [htmlbeautifier](https://github.com/threedaymonk/htmlbeautifier) (via the [vscode-erb-beautify](https://github.com/aliariff/vscode-erb-beautify) extension). I have no trouble executing the `htmlbeautifier` command from my shell (having...
In the event a Stripe payment fails (card declined, insufficient funds etc) the plugin logs the event as an order note in WooCommerce. E.g. > Striper Credit Card Payment Failed...
I'm using this package in my Jest setup in a Vite project. With es modules env variables are accessed through `import.meta.env`. When I run my Jest tests, any that import...
This fixes #18 where TypeScript cannot resolve declaration files when moduleResolution is set to "bundler"