Harri Siirak

Results 33 comments of Harri Siirak

@metrotyranno sorry about the delay. Should quite easy to implement but I haven't had the time to work on this. So you're welcome if you want to implement these calls.

Hey @ziky90, Currently this library is not supporting Kerberos authentication, but I've thought about it. Can't say when this exactly will be implemented. If you have some ideas and time...

@idibidiart thanks for reminding this. Haven't really looked into this. When I have some time I'll do so.

Hi @zangguodong! Can also please add a test case?

HI @johnnynanjiang! I've been trying to keep this library as lean as possible (with some minor deviations) and avoiding adding anything very complex that has impact to code complexity itself,...

Currently, [validation](https://github.com/harrisiirak/cron-parser/blob/master/lib/expression.js#L846-L863) of the input expression is rather lax, and if there isn't value specified for the field, it fills it with wildcard. Throwing an error probably would make more...

Hi @ptorrent, Iteration is working clockwise (from `startDate` to `endDate`), therefore there isn't any easy way (you need to iterate through whole range) to get the last date.

> ? and * are treated identically when parsed so become indistinguishable from one another after the initial parsing. Indeed, ? is currently handled as * and not supported as...

Hi @yanickrochon! Thanks for your feedback. I see your point keeping this module efficient and functional as possible. Although it's not adding much logic/weight to the module, it still needs...

Hi! @lucasheight `cron-parser` already supports day of week abbreviations (mon,tue,wed etc). Technically it's possible to add full weekday names support, but again, this is something that isn't supported by the...