Harish Karumuthil
Harish Karumuthil
Thank you . so I understand that calling 'include' tag without any second argument passes 'this' object to calling template as its 'this' . It will be helpful if this...
@sanishchirayath1 : FYI, https://abc7ny.com/suspicious-package-queens-astoria-fire/6425363/
I am also affected by this bug
@jarvelov : Yes this will work for all events and thus, we can see an consolidated table of all emitted events in this way. In fact, I did this to...
@sergey-koba-mobidev : You can also see a slightly different version in this example https://codesandbox.io/s/array-container-y446r?file=/src/components/SelectComponent.vue . The code for `SelectComponent` is mostly copied from the example which @jarvelov provided, but this...
Hi, I've successfully ported this model ( Its PyTorch version ) to Keras. You can see live demo here https://github.com/harish2704/pottan-ocr/blob/pre-alpha/web-demo/Readme.md Hope it will help to port this to Tensorflow
Hi All, I was also trying to download this model from baidu. Can anyone please share the file with me too ? My email: [email protected] @Pay20Y : If I get...
@Pay20Y : Thanks for your quick response. But, unfortunately, I didn't got the attachment. I think you forgot to attach it.
Hi All, I have uploaded the pre-trained to github. Here is the link https://github.com/harish2704/FOTS_TF-data/blob/master/FOTS_checkpoint.zip Thanks to @Pay20Y for sending this file **Update:** Sorry to say that, I had to delete...
@Pay20Y , @zobeirraisi : Please see my updated comment too. @Pay20Y : When you send that file to @zobeirraisi , please CC me too. Right now, I don't have any...