Haris Gulzar
Haris Gulzar
> Just FYI, I applied work-around with local change borrowing: https://github.com/pytorch/vision/blob/master/torchvision/models/utils.py > > ```python > try: > from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url > except ImportError: > from torch.utils.model_zoo import load_url as...
@ArneNx @S1s-Z This thread issue has been quite informative for me. I wanna ask which script did you use to train Space on Spokenwoz dataset? Because the original version of...
@S1s-Z Thanks for your response. But before running the training script under `spokenwoz/Finetuning/space_baseline/space-3/scripts/train`, I need to prepare data by running the `spokenwoz/Finetuning/space_baseline/data_process.sh` which ultimately runs `/spokenwoz/Finetuning/ubar/data_analysis.py` and this code seems...
Also the training script `/spokenwoz/Finetuning/space_baseline/space-3/run_gen.py` seems to be made for Multi-Woz with no apparent mention of SpokenWoz dataset in it.
@S1s-Z Thanks for your comments. I was able to train Space-3 model on SpokenWOZ. I have evaluated the JGA of space-3 and I was able to get somewhat close to...
Thanks for the quick response. 1. I mean, after training the SPACE-3. I run /dst/infer_space.sh and it shows JGA of around 12% which is fine, but when I run /e2e/infer_space.sh...
No, I am not using `/e2e/infer_space.sh` and `/policy/infer_space.sh` to get JGA. What I meant is, running these scripts results into 0 value of all metrics. `match: 0.00 success: 0.00 bleu:...
Hi @S1s-Z , your comments on the above question will be very appreciated. Thanks!
@S1s-Z Thanks for your response. I will look into the original code of SPACE.
@S1s-Z I will also be grateful if you point out the parameter settings in train_space.sh for DST and Dialog Generation Task so that I can also reproduce the results from...