Harold Gay
Harold Gay
Does Neovim-qt support Direct Write on Microsoft Windows? 
Hello, Font used : https://www.dcmembers.com/jibsen/download/61/ Goneovim is displaying the 10pt version of the Dina font when i set `set guifont=Dina:h9` , here is the comparaison with gvim :  Everything...
Is it possible to configure goneovim to get same font rendering as gvim :  My renderoptions in gvim : `set renderoptions=type:directx,renmode:5,level:1,contrast:1.9` Thank you ! :)
System : Macbook Pro 17" 2010 OSX 10.7 Lion Apple Keyboard French layout (with numpad)
Hello, I'm using FVIM on Windows 10 I can't type some characters in fvim, those are accessible via the altGr Key in my French Keyboard. For example : @ or...
Is it possible to highlight classes names and methods names? 
Hello and thank you for your colorscheme! ;) Nvim 0.8 Treesitter has changed the name of its hl groups, can you update the theme? https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/issues/3572
**Describe the bug** On Neovide Launch, an empty window with white background is displayed just before rendering the correct colorscheme background, causing an annoying white flash. **To Reproduce** Steps to...
Thank you for your library! Is it possible to perform a http request through ntlm auth based proxy with node-expose-ssi?
Thank you for this theme? Could you add an Ayu Dark version?