Philipp Pracht
Philipp Pracht
* removed IE11 scripts * build output now in /dist TODO: adjust build scripts
Add a new property to navigation node, where an optional status badge can be configured. It's value should be an object to determine label (string) and indication (string, one of...
storageType: sessionStorage was not working in oauth2 plugin due to not working search param parsing
It is possible to inject context property and other (i18n) values to viewUrls to make them dynamic. For external link urls, only i18n is working, but not context value replacement....
When opening a modal micro frontend and showModalPathInUrl is true (, a browser history entry should be created, so that if the user does a history back, the modal is...
Add property to viewGroupSettings entry, so it can be specified that a viewGroup is always present in the background. If option is true, a viewgroup iframe with its preloadUrl is...
A component (web component) that can be included in an arbitrary application rendering a luigi micro frontend (iframe or web component based) without the need of being a luigi core...
investigate if and how the bundle size of luigi.js and .css can be reduced. Not in scope: IE11 bundles. starting point: ``` PASS ./public/luigi.js: 568.73KB < maxSize 600KB (no compression)...