Harshal Deshpande

Results 17 comments of Harshal Deshpande

Hi @chapulina, Is there any update on this? I've been trying to find a way to publish TFs with SDF, but have not found any way so far

Interesting! Thanks for sharing. Will try this out and will raise a PR after that

Hi @chapulina, I tried this today. But it's not working. I added the plugin in the SDF of robot ``` true false false false true 20 ``` When I echo...

Here's the parameter bridge node: ``` bridge = Node( package='ros_ign_bridge', executable='parameter_bridge', arguments=['/cmd_vel@geometry_msgs/msg/[email protected]', '/scan@sensor_msgs/msg/[email protected]', '/odometry@nav_msgs/msg/[email protected]', '/model/movus/pose@tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage[ignition.msgs.Pose_V', '/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/color/camera_info@sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo[ignition.msgs.CameraInfo', '/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/depth/camera_info@sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo[ignition.msgs.CameraInfo', '/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/color/image@sensor_msgs/msg/Image[ignition.msgs.Image', '/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/depth/depth_image/points@sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2[ignition.msgs.PointCloudPacked'], output='screen', remappings=[ ('/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/color/camera_info', '/camera/color/camera_info'), ('/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/color/image', '/camera/color/image'), ('/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/depth/camera_info', '/camera/depth/camera_info'), ('/world/station/model/movus/link/camera_front/sensor/depth/depth_image/points', '/camera/depth/points') ]...

Also I think I should create an issue in ros_ign :sweat:

@biocrypto730 Thanks a lot!

Hi, I'm also looking for this. Is there any update on this?

Hi, Is it possible to fix this issue before the humble release? :see_no_evil:

Aah got it. I don't have any previous experience with working on such an autocompletion tool. Are there any good resources to learn about this tool or any other autocompletion...

Hi, I would like to push any contributions to add this feature. Please let me know if there are any open tasks