Matthew Malcomson

Results 6 comments of Matthew Malcomson

Since gdb has the power to pipe to a shell command, we may just be able to print to stdout and pipe that to gnuplot. If that's feasible then it...

n.b. One easy-to-demonstrate case is `man bash` when `$MANPAGER` is set to `col -b`. The problems go away by setting `$MANPAGER` to a script that is simply `col -b |...

Once pr has been completed and merged into neovim I can use that. Until then I doubt I can do anything, but I'll keep this open for a reminder.

Also may be nice to allow the user to set the `shell` that VSH uses independently of the `'shell'` that vim has set.

> > When spanning multiple lines, `da}` acts likewise. > > What is "likewise"? I tested this and it acts charwise. Hmm ... I could have sworn I tested it...

I'm deciding to not implement most of this due to the trade-offs involved. None of these decisions are 100% clear. 1) Attempting to pick up `INPUTRC` set in the users...