
Results 11 issues of duxin

Added courses [stanford cs149] and [CMU 15-418] to the [atomics, lock free, memory model] chapter

```VIM " 取得本文件所在的目录 let s:home = fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h') " 定义一个命令用来加载文件 command! -nargs=1 LoadScript exec 'so '.s:home.'/'.'' " 将 vim-init 目录加入 runtimepath exec 'set rtp+='.s:home " 将 ~/.vim 目录加入 runtimepath (有时候...

g:ale_set_balloons=0 is ok [ale issues #1689](https://github.com/w0rp/ale/issues/1689)

有 tmux 何没有的功能键超时(毫秒)

terminal emulator : windows terminal preview 1.12.2931.0 ncurses : 6.2 Cannot receive mouse movement events Mouse movement works under ncurses-5.x, but not reporting mouse movements after columns 94

PCH file is gen succeed,but use this PCH is error error: PCH file was compiled for the target CPU '' but the current translation unit is being compiled for target...

Each time when I run "complete", it will pause a few seconds 我用中文再说一遍吧,我英文太烂了,说不清楚 打开一个cpp文件,class1-> 会停顿几秒钟,然后第二次运行 class1-> 就会很快,但把文件关闭再打开,运行class1-> 还是会停顿几秒 非常感谢你写出这么好的插件

**Describe the bug** The number of unread articles is shown as a negative number ![屏幕截图_20230114_105635](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4214337/212447901-3de7490d-5bfe-494f-9ae3-8c56f978f1e5.png) **Platform (please complete the following information):** - OS: Windows 10 22h2 - Version 1.1.3


cmake ``` cmake ../$HYPERSCAN \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX/$HYPERSCAN \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$PREFIX/$GCC7/bin/gcc \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$PREFIX/$GCC7/bin/g++ \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DBUILD_STATIC_AND_SHARED=yes \ -DBOOST_ROOT=$PREFIX/$BOOST \ -DFAT_RUNTIME=true \ -DBUILD_CHIMERA=true \ -Wno-dev ``` log ``` In file included from /temp/hyperscan-5.0.0/pcre/pcre_byte_order.c:50:0:...