Any solution > I have such crash in my firebase console. I think this happens when the user gives permissions in the settings of the application, and then returns back...
I want to apply multiple filters to an image. For the very first time, I can apply filters using GPUImageFilterGroup. Let's assume I am adding CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS to the...
> How do I implement multiple filters one by one in accordance with a specific time sequence, and finally the effect is similar to an animation ,thanks Any solution? Please...
Please share the solution if anyone found it. I am facing the same issue and wasting my time on it.
> Hi @akashdeepad I am trying to solve this problem as well. What I am doing is using a HashMap to cache the progress value from the seekbar for each...
> // group filter setting > List chainFilters = new LinkedList(); > .... > chainFilters.add(new GPUImagePixelationFilter()); > chainFilters.add(new GPUImageBrightnessFilter(0.3f)); > chainFilters.add(new GPUImageContrastFilter()); > return new GPUImageFilterGroup(chainFilters); > > // using...
> Hi @akashdeepad I am trying to solve this problem as well. What I am doing is using a HashMap to cache the progress value from the seekbar for each...