This issue is not fixed yet.
In the COM based Microsoft Ribbon Api you can define the RibbonPanel without a text. But the height of the Ribbon is not reduced. What is about the ButtonMore Property,...
@RussKie I had the example designed with the Framework Designer (.NET 4.7.2). I had also tested the example with .NET Framework with uncommenting the lines in Form1.cs ` if (!DesignMode)...
Hi, I think there is actually no (easy) way for a Dark Theme solution. MS is working on a solution, see [Themes Implementation in Winforms](https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/5166). But I don't know the...
You have to cast interface IUIEventingManager from IUIFramework in procedure TUIRibbon.LoadFramework (cast variable FFramework with Supports function to IUIEventingManager global variable). Then you have to implement the interface IUIEventLogger with...
I have done it in a C# implementation of the [Windows Ribbon Framework](https://github.com/harborsiem/WindowsRibbon). In this project there is a folder called Ribbon. Here you can find in the Ribbon.cs (function...
You can set Ribbon Property DarkModeRibbon for activating Dark Mode only for Ribbon. See also Changelog.md for an example with Dark Mode in the Title Bar
Did you see the hint for generating different RibbonItems classes (up to 10) for different forms. [Hint](https://github.com/harborsiem/WindowsRibbon/wiki/Wrapper-class-RibbonItems). See also my project [ElemntViewer](https://github.com/harborsiem/ELEMNTViewer). In this project I use RibbonMarkup.xml which results...
Did you really have an application that need more then 10 ribbons?
solved in version V2.16.0